Why you should get a white board

Geraldin Noemis Diaz
2 min readFeb 25, 2021

I remember growing up white boards brought a lot of trauma for me. It meant I had to stand up in front of the whole class of kids in order to answer a problem. These were the same kids that would bully me during lunch time. If I got it wrong it felt like the end of the world. Maybe this was just my reality growing up, maybe kids in NYC are just ruthless who knows? All I know was anytime I saw a white board it was traumatic.

I can honestly say in my adult life white boards have changed my life and changed my perception of what I previously thought about them. I use one of my white boards to write my daily to-do list and affirmations on it and more recently I’ve been using another white board for my content creation. I realized people like visual things and a lot of people are visual learners so I started to try and make my videos more interactive and engaging with my white board. It’s been helpful! (Content creators give it a try maybe it’ll up your engagement)

My white board holds me accountable. I do not go to sleep until I cross of what is on my to-do list. I am able to see my daily affirmations and it keeps me motivated. I also have my debt pay off date goal written on it this keeps me going when I feel like stopping.

Ultimately the reason why you should get a white board is to hold yourself accountable and motivate yourself. You can also have fun with it and draw different things on it, decorate it, get different color markers to spice things up. Your daily tasks don’t have to be boring, make it fun you shouldn’t be dreading the things you have to get done in the day.

I wake up everyday excited to cross things off my to-do list. Give it a try and share how it goes below!



Geraldin Noemis Diaz

Geraldin Noemis Diaz. Brooklyn, New York. Author of Reroute: Post Grad Guide To Success-Physically, Mentally and Financially. Live Limitless. Be Fearless.